Many high values of human life are incorporated in the Indian National Flag, which are expressed through its forms and colours we get great inspiration on seeing our National Flag.
First Phase
IN 1905 a new awakening came in the youth of Bengal with fresh energy due to the ‘Bang – Bhang ‘movement. From the siccas of this movement and to express Indianness in 1906 Shachindra Nath Bose and Sukumar designed a layout of first national flag ‘TIRANGA’ for our country. the flag was consisting of three equal horizontal strips of green yellow and red. in the top green colour strip there were eight white lotuses shown in a row, which represented eight states of that time. on middle yellow strip the word ‘Vande Mataram’ was written in dark blue colour in Devanagari script. The lowest red strip had a white sun in the left and a white crescent moon with a star in the right side. The first national flag of India had been unfurled on august 7,1906 in the green park Calcutta by the Gracious hands of great social reformer and freedom fighter, Shri Sunendranath Banarjee.
Second Phase
Again 1921 second flag was prepared in try colour under the guidance of mahatma Gandhi during the meeting of all India congress party at Vijay Vada. An enthusiastic youth of Andhra Pradesh, Pingali Venkaiyya designed two colours flags and handed over to Gandhi ji which was made in red and green colour that represented two major communities Hindu and Muslims in country. Gandhi ji suggested to add one white strip as a symbol of the rest of Indian communities and put a dark blue charkha in its center as a symbol of progress. it was second national flag of 1921.